T-28 Project AirplanesI

If you are looking to go another direction, I have a couple of T-28 projects looking for a home. I have 2 “A” models and 1 “B”. I have 3 Wright 1300 engine cores for the ”A” as well as a 3 blade prop and governor. A lot of work has been done on the “A” airframe and its components. I have a large selection of parts including canopies, control surfaces, components, etc. I wish to sell all as one lot. If you are seriously interested give me a call or text me.


If you are looking for a great Beech 18 project, look no further. In the spring of 2024 I will be bringing my 3NM project down from Canada and will be putting it up for sale. The wings and tail section have been removed and transported to Minnesota and Fuselage is all buttoned up for the winter. I have all the parts to make it whole again! I also have all the logs and bill of sale. It will be priced to sell so get your checkbooks out..

Our E18 in the hangar for the winter

It took months to make the room and a few people lost bets but it’s in the hangar. Being that it is in Superior WI. and it gets a bit snowy and cold it is the only way I can do any work on it at all during the winter months. On tap is removing and overhauling the wing fuel bladders, finishing up the radio work, and replacing interior panels previously removed. Oh yeah, there’s also changing out 1 main tire. I will continue to service our customers with parts for their projects.

My Project D18S

Well as you can see we have moved along a bit on our project and with the help of the local EAAers have removed the Horiz. stab and the outer wing panels. No surprises, just a lot of dirt and dust. Whats next? Dunno. I will roll her out of the hangar when it gets warm enough here in MN and power was the entire thing. Probably have the boys with the CO2 system come and do a little clean up. Followed by new hardware Primer, corrosion control and whatever else we can afford. Yes, I said money pit.


Moving Along

We are committed to the B 18 and all of it's iterations. Our main purpose for undertaking this endeavor is to support this wonderful community and keep these birds in the air. Until we've got the shopping cart up and running call/text/email us with your parts needs- hopefully we've got what you need. You can call/text 218-349-5475, e-mail 18north@earthlink.net or just hit the 'contact us' here on our site- that comes directly to us. We truly appreciate the support we have already received, and we look forward to talking with you about your flying bird or project. Feel free to post pics of your birds in the comment section- we'd love to see them!

I’ve actually found a little time to work on our own project. I have removed the Vertical and Horizontal Stabs . When it all goes back together we will be using Chrome plated screw. The present ones are are all rusted solid to the nut plates inside the stab and are real buggers to get out! Grandkids have been helping me remove the cockpit floor as well. It is rotted out below the side windows which were left open before we got the thing. Another horrendous project.

Verticals off at last

Verticals off at last

New Kits Available!

Now in stock; Seal kits for the oil shutoff valve

We have assembled rebuild kits for those leaky brake shuttle valves that sit on top of the Goodyear Brake assembly. Includes O-Rings and Washers. No need to keep wiping off Brake fluid if the darn thing is leaking!

Tail Wheel Strut Kit, including all O rings needed.

Fuel valve selector parts.. Gaskets and internal rubber seals.

For those in the colder climes we now stock control rods for the heat selector valve that sits just off the exhaust stack.

New gaskets for your leaky wobble pump, YES.

As you can see, we are not sitting still. We will continue to assemble more kits for you convenience, and are always increasing our inventory.